- +33 3 88 19 15 15
- aerial@aerial-crt.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:45 am - 6:00 pm
Radiation processing Control and dosimetry
Radiation processing consists in exposing a product to an electron or X-ray beam from an accelerator or to Gamma rays emitted by a radioactive source.
This treatment is characterized by the dose, the amount of absorbed energy per mass unit of the treated product. The dose unit is the Gray (Gy). 1 Gray = 1 Joule absorbed per kilogram of irradiated material. This process can be applied to many product covering very wide industrial sectors.
Aerial is to assist its partners in various aspect of radiation processing control and dosimetry.
Content is discussed on request from our wide range of expertise.
Aerial develops dose measurement equipment (hardware and software) to contribute to quality control in the field of radiation processing. This equipments are used in the radiation industry and laboratories for dosimetry control during IQ/OQ/PQ and monitoring of the irradiation process and complies with relevant standards in the field.
Fondée en 1985, Aerial est une structure de notoriété internationale qui réunit sur un même site une équipe pluridisciplinaire de chefs de projets, chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens supérieurs.
Avec leur savoir-faire, nos équipes vous accompagnent en matière de R&D, d’expertise et de formation.
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