Physic-chemistry and nutrition laboratory

Foods are complex matrices composed of macro-constituents (mainly water, sugars, proteins, lipids and minerals) responsible for the nutritional value and most of the technological and organoleptic properties of food products.

Compounds, present in smaller quantities, are also for some of them nutritionally essential. All these compounds are subject to various biochemical and chemical changes during post-harvest storage and processing of raw materials.

Coupled with Aerial's other resources, the physic-chemistry and nutrition laboratory completes the offer proposed to food industries to characterize, control and optimize the quality of their products and processes.

Our activities

Development of analytical approaches and methods to detect,

quantify nutritional compounds of interest or nutritionally undesirable newly formed compounds

Evaluation of the impact of storage conditions and manufacturing processes

on nutritional markers of interest.

Monitoring of food composition profile

(in volatile and non-volatile organic compounds) to assess the impact of intrinsic (formulation, composition) and extrinsic factors (cultural and technological context, storage conditions …) on product quality attributes.

Characterization of functional properties

of ingredients in extracts and food matrices

Expertise and scientific and technical support

for the control and improvement of the nutritional quality of food.

Our resources

  • UV- Vis. Spectrophotometers
  • Infra Red Spectrometer (NIR et MIR)
  • Kjeldhal, Karl Fischer, , Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (mDSC)
  • Other associated Aerial laboratories: microbiology, sensory analysis, freeze-drying, detection of irradiated food

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