- +33 3 88 19 15 15
- aerial@aerial-crt.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:45 am - 6:00 pm
labs and equipments
ATD, freeze-drying microscope,
impedance-metry, crystallization rate
2 computerized tasting rooms (13 and 8 boxes),
Preparation and stock room.
The High Field NMR Spectrometer is a powerful and versatile instrument for studying the physical, chemical and biologicalproperties of matter. Its three multicore probes allow targeted and non-targeted quantitative analysis of liquid, solid and semi-solid matrices. With a dedicated team of experts and multidisciplinary PhDs, this tool serves the various activity fields of Aerial.
specialized in the development of freeze-drying cycles and the formulation of chemical or biological products.
Telstar Lyobeta 25, 1 laboratory within the factory school EASE.
Aerial’s platform is composed of 4 electron beam and X-ray irradiation facilities, including Feerix.
Innovation is nowadays the driving force behind business development. helps industry to meet this challenge with
Alain Strasser
general manager
Fondée en 1985, Aerial est une structure de notoriété internationale qui réunit sur un même site une équipe pluridisciplinaire de chefs de projets, chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens supérieurs.
Avec leur savoir-faire, nos équipes vous accompagnent en matière de R&D, d’expertise et de formation.
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